Friday, March 13, 2020

Semaphore is UP!

Thanks to a donation of a semaphore from Bob Tjossem, volunteers from Kirkland Rotary, and Kevin and his crew at  Apex Steel we now have a semaphore installed at the site!  This was no small task!

First Bob had to locate, purchase, and have the semaphore shipped to Kirkland.  Then  several trusty Kirland Rotarians had to move part of it to the site  and install the base, then move the rest of it to the Apex Steel yard for assembly, then Kevin and his Apex crew moved the assembled semaphore across the street to the site and placed it on the base.  Quite the impressive process!
Rotarians moving Semaphore pieces from storage locker.

And, moving part of the semaphore onto the truck.
Then, installing the base.
David assembling Semaphore in Apex yard.

Kevin and Apex crew installing rest of semaphore on the base.
Semaphore installed!  (thanks to Don Winters for the photo)
More to come:  red, yellow, and green lenses in the signal.

And, watch for signage regarding the native plants and Kirkland's railroad heritage.  Not to mention, a picnic pavillion some day!


  1. Great job, Dave! Super nice of Apex Steel to donate their time for this project. The semaphore looks great and the whole project is really a great addition to the trail.

    1. And, thanks to the solar powered light David installed, you can see a green light on the semaphore at night!
